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zoebole    等级  

楼主 发表于  2013/10/14 18:19:41    编 辑   

About Bó Lè Associate
Bó Lè Associates is a leading executive search firm in Asia and the #1 firm in China, with a well-developed network of 25 local offices throughout the region and over 520+ staff


1. Conduct Pre-Search Analysis by database, Market and Potential Client’s Competitors
2. Refer all BD leads generated to Directors
3. Gather contact details based on criteria given by the team
4. Conduct initial phone interviews with candidates;
5. Conduct personal interviews with qualified candidates;
6. Produce necessary reports and supporting documents for presenting candidates;
7. Maintain and update candidate and company file and input database
8. Be able to develop new ideas/resources and make use of technology (computer skills, internet, etc) to enhance search efficiency

1. Student will graduate in 2014.
2. Fluency in both oral and written English and excellent computer skills;
3. Be a team player, able to follow instructions;
4. Be proactive and results-oriented, be able to work independently with minimal supervision when required;
5. Be highly persistent;
6. Be inquisitive and have the eagerness to learn;
7. Excellent interpersonal skills

Please email your resume to Kristin.wang@bo-le.com


1. 协助顾问对相关行业,市场及潜在客户公司的情况的进行分析调查;
2. 通过电话及网络搜寻符合职位要求的潜在候选人;
3. 完成对候选人的电话初试;
4. 对符合职位要求的候选人进行面试;
5. 充分利用PPT,图表等办公软件制作客户所需的人才报告;
6. 为顾问推荐潜在客户需求信息;
7. 及时更新候选人及客户公司的信息;
8. 优化信息获取渠道,诸如网络,商会组织,社交网站等

1. 2014年应届本科毕业生;
2. 流利的英语口语和写作能力,熟练使用计算机;
3. 良好的团队意识,注重团队合作;
4. 结果导向,能够独立工作;
5. 较高的抗压能力;
6. 有进取心,乐于学习;
7. 优秀的人际交往能力.


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