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爱立信Tools Development Engineer Intern
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职场启航网    等级  瓶子

楼主 发表于  2015/4/10 9:58:54    编 辑   

- The tools development intern will sit in a central Release, Environment and Tools team and work closely with development teams.

- The immediate job is to maintain and develop a web-based TR Dashboard tool with web application, scripting language and database in behind.

- The responsibility is also expected to be extended for more R&D tools to improve R&D working efficiency.

- The tools scope is but not limited to build tools, TR handling tools, Continuous Integration tools and etc.
Qualifications & Requirements:

- Master degree in reading in Computer Science or equivalent. At minimum 4 days per week for 6 months internship is a must.

- Passion on technology and innovative on tools & methods to improve work efficiency.

- Good communication skills in both written and spoken English.

- Team work, good communication skills and be willing to help others.

- Be able to work independently and respond to multiple and conflicting requests under tight deadlines and in a dynamic working environment.

- Good programming skills in perl, shell, php, html 5/css and javascript.

- Experience on database programming is a must.

- Experience on SuSE Linux operation and administration is a plus.

- Experience on java/python/ruby is a plus.
请发送中文简历至: admin@careerqihang.com (爱立信Tools Development Engineer Intern)+学校+job00690)
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