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默沙东招Intern, Medical writer
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楼主 发表于  2015/6/5 9:36:26    编 辑   

The intern medical writer will be responsible for editing, proof reading of translated documents from English to Chinese (translation validation) to ensure quality of translation for protocols, informed consent, CIB, study reports and dossiers to support regulatory filings.
The intern is also responsible for the document control/maintenance to ensure the version control and stored in a controlled access share point or shared drive.
She/he will be also responsible to the other work related to the document preparation assigned by medical writer
1.Master degree candidate or above in medical science;
2.Advanced English language skills;
3.Excellent writing and editing skills in English and Chinese
4.Understanding of drug development process and regulatory guidelines;
5.Attention to detail – style/consistency, grammar, scientific accuracy, layout etc;
6.Strong sense of responsibility and dedication;
7.A proactive and dynamic team player.
8. Could work at least 3-4 working days per week
9.Internship period longer than 4 months, prefer 1 year+
10.Willing to stay with MSD after graduation if there is opportunity
请发送中文简历至: admin@careerqihang.com (默沙东Intern, Medical writer)+学校+job01103)
for more campus recruitment information, please visit CareerQihang.com
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