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法国兴业银行招CEO Office岗位实习生
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楼主 发表于  2015/7/10 9:58:03    编 辑   

1.Support daily issues of CEO office ;
2.Provide word-processing and secretarial support ;
3.Collect and distribute documents accordingly ;
4.Slides fine tuning and documents translation ;
5.Maintain the general filing system ;
6.Assist in the preparation of events, meetings and conferences of CEO office ;
7.Prepare CEO related documents, e.g. travel agenda, meeting minutes and presentations in proper business English and on high standard ;
8.Coordinate and ensure each department to complete their required tasks with specified time frame and good quality ;
9.Assist on various projects and tasks that are assigned ;
10.Conduct research and market analysis on adhoc basis ;
11.Implement special job arranged by CEO/Board Secretary/Officer in CEO Office timely and accurately.
1.Prefer Master’s degree with major in Business Administration, Language study, etc ;
2.Excellent written and oral communication skills ;
3.Good communication skills and coordination capability ;
4.Good command of Microsoft Office ;
5.At least 5 months (fulltime, at least 4 days per week) ;
6.With the French bank Societe Generale intern recruitment, internship experience with the students preferred
请发送中文简历至: admin@careerqihang.com
邮件标题请备注:法国兴业银行CEO Office岗位实习生+姓名+ job01339
for more campus recruitment information, please visit CareerQihang.com
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